HPLC/GC Spares :
Crescent Scientific Pvt Ltd, through its tie-ups with various international suppliers, can provide cost-effective & uninterrupted supply of replacement for OEM spares. For example:
Shimadzu spares and parts for all models of GC / HPLC / TOC / AAS / LC-MS / LC-MS/MS can be delivered to our valuable customers through LUNAR (a division of Crescent Scientific Pvt Ltd).
Examples of items regularly available:
- LC supplies for: LC-i series Plus, Nexera MX, Nexera X2, Nexera XR, Prominence, Nexera UC, Nexera SR, Nexera MP, Nexera X3/XS/XR/lite, LC 2050, LC 2050C, LC 2050C-3D, LC 2050C LT
- LC Pump Parts for: LC 6A, LC-10AS, LC-600, LC-10AD, LC-10AT, 10ATvp, LC-10ADvp, 2010, Nexera X3/XS/XS inert/XR/lite/lite inert
- UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometers: UV 1900i, UV-2600i, UV-2700i, UV-3600i Plus, SolidSpec-3700i/3700iDUV, UV-1280, BioSpec-nano, Lightway PQY-01 Photoreaction Evaluation System
- Auto sampler Parts for: SIL-10A, SIL-10Axl, SIL-10ADvp, 2010, SIL-30AC, AOC-20i/AOC-20s (Auto Injector/Auto Sampler for GC/GC-MS)
- GC supplies for: GC-8/9/14/15/17/A/B/GC-2010 Pro, GC-2014, GC-2025, Nexis GC-2030
- Total Organic Carbon Analyzer for: TOC-L Series CSH/CSN/CPH/CPN
- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for: AA-7000/AA-7800
- Single Quadrupole LC-MS for: LCMS-2050 / 2020
- Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS: LCMS-8050 / 8045
- Quadrupole LC-MS/MS for: LCMS 9030 / LCMS 9050
Lunar will take full responsibility for the genuineness of the items we provide. The installations of these items will have to be managed by your company.
For additional information or requirements for OEM spares, kindly contact:
Email: crescent@cspl.in